Hi, I'm Jordan Swartz.

I'm a physician informaticist and software developer with extensive experience using tech to improve healthcare.

I built Triage, an open-source Kafka consumer proxy that solves head-of-line blocking through parallelism and a dead letter store.

Triage is an open-source consumer proxy for Apache Kafka that solves head-of-line blocking caused by poison pill messages and non-uniform consumer latency.

Once deployed, poison pill messages are identified and delivered to a dead letter store. By enabling additional consumer instances to consume messages, Triage uses parallelism to ensure that an unusually slow message will not block the queue.

The goal of Triage was to create a service that deals with head-of-line blocking in a message queue, while making it easy for consumer application developers to maintain their existing workflow.

Triage Application Logic

Recent Work

Request Djinn

An app for receiving and debugging webhooks (MERN stack).

Book Viewer

A streamlined book viewing app (Ruby, Node, Sinatra).

Pocket NVC

A pocket guide for Nonviolent Communication (SwiftUI)